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O mundo musical de Makiko Yoneda

Pianista japonesa radicada em São Paulo prepara concerto solo e projeto em trio misturando técnica erudita, improvisos, melodias orientais e ritmos brasileiros

Mais do que o reflexo de suas vivências, a música de Makiko Yoneda é um meio pelo qual a artista procura transformar o mundo, fazendo com que ele seja um lugar melhor de se viver. pianista revela também sua faceta de compositora, em temas como “ Barravento ”, “ Não posso ver um boteco ” e “ O mar de jericoacoara ”, etc ,. ..

Nascida na cidade de Chiba (Japão), Makiko estudou piano clássico dos três aos 18 anos. No entanto, avessa ao excesso de formalidades da música erudita, resolveu seguir outro caminho na hora de escolher uma faculdade. de instituições como a Organização das Nações Unidas ou a Unesco, graduou-se em relações internacionais e fez mestrado em educação. interferem negativamente em projetos nessa área. Decidida a dar novos rumos à vida, foi trabalhar na empresa norte-americana de sorvetes Häagen-Dazs, na qual permaneceu por seis anos. Cuba, em Nova York e no Brasil ”, conta.

As viagens a reaproximaram da música. A primeira longa estada da artista por aqui foi em 2005, quando morou no Recife, se envolveu mais com a cultura brasileira e aprendeu a falar português. com visitas regulares ao Japão. Nestes últimos cinco anos, Makiko tem se dedicado integralmente à música, estudando, compondo e tocando na noite de São Paulo, cidade onde se estabeleceu.

No Brasil, se aproximou de nomes como Alceu Valença, Naná Vasconcelos, Dominguinhos, Guinga e Ivan Lins, mas comenta que dois brasileiros foram fundamentais em seu processo de descoberta artística: a pianista Silvia Góes, de quem que a convidou para integrar o Quinteto do Zé. “Antes eu não tocava, eu apenas lia, tentando entender as notas e escalas. A Silvia me libertou, com ela aprendi que a música é viva, está em você”, elogia a discí que também descobriu-se compositora ao ser estimulada pela mestra. “E a confiança do Zé Barbeiro, ao me chamar para participar do grupo dele, foi um aval muito importante para minha carreira profissional aqui”, completa.

Com esse grupo gravou o cd “Sem Massagem” lançado em 2016 (Proac / SP), com shows pelo Brasil. Participa do projeto Duos da flautista Marta Ozzetti executando obras inéditas e do quarteto do virtuose cavaquinhista Messias Britto, intitulado Baiana. seu primeiro disco solo'Wa' e em janeiro de 2016 excursiou pelo Japão a presentando-se em sete cidades. Ganhou o disputadí ssimo prêmio Nabor Pires Camargo --2016, piano solo classificação 5o. Lugar.

O Disco " Brasileirismfai " Produzida Por Makiko Ao Lado Dos Mestres Da Musica Brasileira Marcio Bahia Na Bateria, Jamil Joanas No Baixo E Cristovao Bastos Na Direcao Musical Tem Como Base Um Repertorio Autoral Com Aspecto Intimista, Trazendo Melodias De Influencia Oriental E Musica Classica, Mas também muito marcado pelo encantamento da artista pelos ritmos brasileiros e com es paço para a improvisação.

Jamil Jones

"Inicialmente eu já me apaixonei pela qualidade da música dela. Uma música brasileira falando do Ceará, lembrando a Bahia, Rio .."

"Me convidou para participar e estou com muita honra porque a forma que a gente se encaixou a partir do trabalho dela. É muito orgulho para mim estar participando deste trabalho."

Marcio Bahia

"Apostaria que vocês teria uma boa surpresa de ver uma pianista japonêsa swingando dentro da nossa linguagem."

Cristovão Bastos

"A Makiko tem o universo dela. O que ela tá fazendo é enriquecer o universo dela. Então, vai ser uma coisa única. Isso aí é com certeza."

Infelizmente levou um golpe da fabrica brasileira que ia prensar o disco e fazer o encarte e capa do disco. Mas ela fez Financiamento Coletivo pra continuar o projeto e conseguiu com 160 apoiadores do mundo inteiro.

Em abril de 2018, Makiko fez show de lançamento do Álbum Brasileirismo, no Projeto SESC Instrumental, unidade SESC Consolação , ao lado de seus parceiros Marcio Bahia (bateria) e Jamil Joanes (baixo).

C riou novo projeto "Música Japonesa com alma Brasileira" com o clarinetista Nailor Proveta.

Pianist / composer

Started playing the piano at the age of 4 and acquired perfect pitch. Winners in numerous classical competitions. Apart from temporary music, he studied international affairs at the University of Tsukuba and Nagoya Graduate School in order to become an international civil servant. However, when he was in graduate school, he encountered Brazilian music and jazz, so he changed his path and returned to music.

Worked at a foreign-affiliated company and at the same time worked as a samba dancer. After leaving the company, he moved to New York, Cuba, and Brazil alone. In Cuba, he joined the Cuban National Dance Company and studied contemporary dance and percussion. Stayed in Sao Paulo, Brazil for 3 months. Participated in a local samba school. Recognized for his ability, he was selected as a solo dancer, appeared in each TV media, and participated in the carnival. After returning to Japan temporarily, he stayed in Recife, northeastern Brazil for a year and a half after meeting Alceu Valenza. Learn Brazilian music on your own through interaction with many musicians such as Nanabas Consero, Dominguinhos, Lenine, Spocchi, Antonio Nobriga, and jam sessions. Returned to Japan in 2006. Formed the Brazilian music unit "Duo Brasil", and is engaged in music activities that incorporate many rhythms of northeastern Brazil, not limited to bossa nova and samba. Including regular live activities at Yokohama Motion Blue , various events such as NHK, performances at top-class hotels in Tokyo such as Roppongi Ritz-Carlton, Conrad Hotel, Mandarin Hotel, events at Omotesando Hills to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Japan-Brazil exchange Also active as a music producer.

2011. Aiming for further musical improvement, he went to Haku alone. Lives in Sao Paulo. While studying under a number of pianists, he interacts with many musicians through daily jam sessions. In 2013, he was called by Zebarbeiro, one of the masters of the São Paulo choro world, as a pianist for his group, and he expanded his range of activities. More than 20 projects have participated in less than two years. Currently " Zebarbero Quintet ", " Gaffieira do Pinheiro ", "Makivaze Trio", "Messiah Brit Quartet" , "Malta Ozecchi Duo", " Zebarbero Duo ", "Myara Quartet", "Arana Duo", "Marcioprator" Active as a pianist for "Samba". 2015. On the day of Choro, Brazil, he was selected and performed as one of the seven soloists. The performance in Rio, which was called by the producer of Paulinho Daviora, and the co-starring with the Brazilian samba master Monalco (Porteira) were also successful. He has been touring Japan for three years in a row since 2015 with great success. At the historic Navo Music Competition held in Brazil in April, he won the 5th place in the whole country (top among pianists). Released the first album "sem massagem " of the "Zebarbeiro" group, which participates as a soloist, with the support of the São Paulo government (also touring). This album was selected as one of the 10 best instrumental albums released in Brazil in 2016, and has become a hot topic in Japan (Japan Latina).

In May 2017, Brasileirismφ was released to the world through digital media such as iTunes and Google. Unfortunately, the CD that was scheduled to be released at the same time was scammed to be taken away to a CD production factory in Brazil just before its completion, but it succeeded in launching crowdfunding in Brazil and receiving support from the world. It was completed in September (the production factory continues to escape even after the trial and is still unsolved). In November of the same year, he was selected as one of the project GIG NOVA, which gathered musicians whose activities are attracting attention, and will be on the cultural cover of Brazil's leading newspaper, Estadão. In addition, it will be selected as one of the "50 Best CDs of 2017" by music critic "Carlos Colored" who is influential in the Brazilian music industry in the world . In December, the performance at the Sao Paulo Chamber of Commerce, the largest in Brazil, was also a great success.

In April 2018, the long-awaited CD release commemorative live was realized at "Sesqui Instruments", which is said to be the gateway to Brazil. Tickets are sold out. The situation was also broadcast live, and was very well received by Brazilian fans and Japanese fans who could not enter the venue.

In parallel, a new project was started with the probeta of Brazil's leading clarinetist and arranger. It leads the music of her home country, Japan, to a new kind of music with abundant Brazilian elements.

 The first leader album "Blarilei Rizmo" .

   All songs original, the first leader album. Completed in 2017.

Do you know a musician who can freely and naturally move between Japanese and Brazilian cultures and can express the delicacy of Japan and the dynamics of Brazil at the same time, a musician who respects the tradition of Brazilian music but is full of originality?

Brazil's leading music producer and pianist " Christ-Ban Bastos " is the music producer. The drum is "Marcio Bahia ", one of Brazil's leading drummers, such as playing the drums of Elmate Pascoau and Amilton the Netherlands, and the bass is the first bass of the legendary band Banda Black Rio , to the right in Brazilian music. Together with a gorgeous member named "Jameel Joanas ", a master who is said to have no one to appear, he challenged Makiko's fusion of Japanese (Oriental) culture, classical piano elements and Brazilian music rhythm. Mastering was done by Goh Hotoda, who won two Grammy Awards such as Madonna, Hikaru Utada, and David Sanborn, and started building her own music world that was particular about sound quality.

Makiko is an enthusiastic and belief person. The willingness to absorb Brazilian music makes me sick. With the delicacy and kindness of her sensibilities, and the gorgeous support of Jameel and Marcio, I think she has completed an album that expresses herself perfectly. (Interview with Christ Van)

The album has a wide repertoire of different styles of Brazilian music, demonstrating her talent as a performer and composer, full of "Brazilian character". A wonderful surprise is waiting for you. (Interview with Marcio)

I am honored to meet and work with a pianist, composer and great person like her. When I first listened to her music, I fell in love with its quality at first sight. A Japanese woman talks about Ceará and composes Brazilian music that reminds me of Bahia and Rio. .. I'm really honored to be part of this album. This is a high-level album that fully demonstrates Makiko's good sense and delicate technique. (Interview with Jameel)

"When I was an office worker and changed my life to become a musician!" Everyone around me opposed it.

But for some reason I didn't have any hesitation. No one knew in Brazil. But I thought it was here.

Anyway, I'm crazy about it, and maybe I've come to see what I want to do. But still more.

Believe in yourself, do your best now.

When I look back after finishing it, I'm sure there is a road behind me "(Makiko)

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