Finally start
Learn in Brazil Happy Mind
"~ Music / Life / Psychosomatic ~ New Music Project!"

I want to tell piano fans! 7 Reasons I Want to Recommend Choro!
0:25 Reason 1-Classical music-like melody
1:20 Reason 2 --Mobile Piano
2:15 Reason 3--Piano beginner level is OK
2:34 Reason 4-The ease with which you can play with just your right hand
3:12 Reason 5-Various performance expressions
4:05 Reason 6-Join the ensemble & make friends!
5:00 Reason 7-A wind instrument even though it is a keyboard!
💓 Start 💓
A project to play Brazilian music choro * with keyboard harmonica in a fun and easy way ❣️
I want piano fans to play "Choro", which is said to be the oldest Brazilian popular music on keyboard harmonica!
A keyboard harmonica that always supports, encourages, and impresses me. "Key Hamo" for short ❣️
It was Kenhamo who gave me the opportunity to enter the music industry in Brazil! ️
And the genre I played the most (played?) Is one of my favorite Brazilian music, Choro ⭐️
I want everyone to experience an instrument that is super easy and easy but gives a sense of accomplishment ❣️
With that in mind, I will continue to share what I have learned from now on.
We also posted a dedicated list on YouTube with videos of performances in Brazil and Turkey.
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We will continue to post useful information 😉
If you like it, please register! It will be encouraging ❤️
The world of the key Hamo de Choro that anyone can easily start and has a deep depth 😌
Let's have fun together ~ 😘
【Related Videos】
1 Brazil live performance ♪ Vou Vivendo --Pixinguinha
https: // v = HedUD ...
2 Brazil live performance ♪ Cheguei --Pixinguinha
https: // v = 7ZRyf ...
3 Brazil live performance ♪ Um a Zero --Pixinguinha
https: // v = ZJFC8 ...
4 Brazil live performance ♪ Princesinha no Choro-Dominginhos
5 Turkish Cappadocia performance ♪ Um a Zero --Pixinguinha
https: // v = gNJJa ...
* Choro Samba Bossa Nova is the oldest popular music in Brazil. Fascinating music with a mixture of indio melodies, European melodies and harmonies, and African rhythms.
Instagram; https: // ...
Spotify-http: //