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Makiko Yoneda TRIO 7 - Abertura da Tourada - LIVE on JazzB at São Paulo , Brazil -

執筆者の写真: 米田真希子米田真希子

Makiko Yoneda : Piano Jamil Joanes : Bass

Marcio Bahia : Drums

Music - Abertura da Tourada - by Makiko Yoneda

Place - JazzB , São Paulo , Brazil











Japanese pianist Makiko Yoneda presents her album “Brasileirismo” with the Brazilian legends musicians Marcio Bahia (drums) and Jamil Joanes (bass) , which features intimate author repertoire with melodies of oriental influence and classical music, but very marked by the artist's enchantment with Brazilian rhythms and with space for improvisation. According to the artist, “The title of this album represents my respect for Brazilian music. What brought me to Brazil was BM, which I consider it to be the most beautiful music in the world. Its rhythm, harmony and melody, everything is deep and never stops me ever. I tried to merge my experience with classical music, which I have learned since my childhood, the Japanese culture, especially the elements of serenity and space, and even more the Brazilian rhythm ”.

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